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Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Like the Flowing River

Be like the flowing river,
Silent in the night.
Be not afraid of the dark.
If there are stars in the skys, reflect them back.
If there are clouds in the sky,
Remember, clouds, like the river, are water,
So, gladly reflect them too,
In your own tranquil depths.

-Manuel Bandeira-


Frog Pictures, Images and Photos


OnTaR!O, CaNaDa t!Me


The Climb

Thursday, September 25, 2008

7.0 is not reachable

Today is 26th September 2008, the day which I and Kak Syara waiting for almost 2 weeks. You know what, IELTS result is coming out.... hehhehee...

And finally, I did it after the second time. At the first time I got 6.0 and now it is increased o.5... kire la sendiri berape.. walaupun xdpt 7.0 (kononnye reachable) but I'm glad to have 6.5 in my hand. OMG.. I cant believe it's happened to me. Thanks God.
Sa, waiting for me at Canada.. I'll be there as soon as posible. NY is waiting for us. hahaha
Don't have much to say.. Just thank u. Always believed that well-placed effort is always rewarded and of course practice make perfect. oh yeahhh..

To all, lg 4hari nak raya.. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. To my bestest friends, raye di perantauan elok2. jangan sedey2...

Take care everyone.. cau..

p/s: Sa, aku dah post kuih tart n i have a little bit surprise inside there. So, watch out.. Tell me when u get it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Raya punye pasal..

It's too bad to tell you that all ATMs in UMT are out of service.. and it's too bad for me since I have a long to-do list as a preparation for Hari Raya. Nak tau ape i nak wat? Take a good look at this:

  1. Renew driving license. Actually, it was expired on 28th August 2008 but I never noticed it until my husband remind me about that. aiiiiyyyyaaa... banyak makan semut ke?? Sume lupe daa...
  2. Amik baju raya kat ummi. hmmm..guna duit gak tu.
  3. Tukar tayar kete memandangkan nak jalan jauh untuk balik kg.
  4. Amik karipap mini kat Kak Zue. heheheh.. Kak Zue dah jd interpreneur utk raye ni.. Murah je. 100 bijik only cost u rm7.. promote karipap mini Kak Zue skit.
  5. Nak 20 keping duit rm10 utk duit raya.. Dgr kate hy bank tertentu je yg leh tkr duit. Apelah.. tension tul..

Hmmm.. since the bank has no more money, so I need to postponed all my to-do list until tomorrow. Hope that everything will going well tomorrow..

Cau for now..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finally,I am a blogger..

This is the way to kill my boredom in a square ofis. So bored... xde ape nak wat melainkan sitting in front of my laptop n surfing to the internet. So, why not I try to blogging even though tok guru x sempat nak ajar lg. Miss Syara...sori.. I learned it myself. Nak tggu akak lmbt sgt.. dah x sabar nak memblog kan diri ni... But, I'll need your help in terms of to create my layout n so on.. Malu lak nak tulis byk2 kat blog. Xbiase.. hehehehe..
Thats all folks...
C yaa...
P/s: Cik Sabiqah jangan jeles eh.. I pun dah ade blog. hahhahaha.. walawey..


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