Precious gift from Heaven
Our new inspiration, our new hope.. sume kat budak kecik ni. Moga semuanya dipermudahkan Allah.
this are pictures from first scan (12 weeks) at KGH. Hope to see u again in second scan on August. We love u..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Double Happiness
Posted by alice in wonderland 13 comments
Double Happiness
Sometimes, pictures speak louder than words. Malas nak cite panjang2, tgk je la gambar2 ni. Masa terhad sebenarnya coz I'm still in d lab, waiting for my samples.
a. Besday Hubby ke 26. Celebrate kat Lake Ontario ngn Kak Ila n Azri n lupe lak 'budak kecik'. hehehe.. Moga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki n jadi papa yg baik utk 'budak kecik' tau.
Posted by alice in wonderland 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Utk research, 2 bulan pertama mmg i x masuk lab coz nak focus pd coursework tp masa tu Hugh banyak bg buku for d introduction of colloid and surface science. Tiap2 minggu kami akan ada individual meeting n dari situ la dia akan pantau progress kami. So, x la melencong dari research plan. Sampai la skrg, Hugh ni jenis yg conduct kami step by step. Tiap kali nak pakai alat dia akan bg training dulu termasuk la bile nak pakai penunu bunsen. hehhe...
Lab meeting ngn Hugh, dia bgtau dia naik pangkat to Dean of Applied Science start July 1st, 09 so dia akan sangat la bz. n dah pesan awal2 pd kami kalo ade apa2 masalah bincang ngan group dulu coz nnt kami dah susah nak jumpa dia macam sekarang. Always available kat bilik. Ada masalah kecik2 pun gatal g ngadu kat dia. hehe..
Ni la Steve, kawan baik sepanjang nak sintesis. Student Dr Crudden yg dah 5tahun wat phD. mmg terer giler bab2 sintesis ni (n ensem guy too). Slalu pandang muka dia, mane tau nnt baby kuar mata biru macam Steve. hehe
Posted by alice in wonderland 9 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Summary for a month!
14, 15 March 09:
That was our first wedding anniversary. Same pulak ngan besday Sabeq. Memang xleh lari la seumur hidup. Mesti ingat punye..Dah setahun rupenye kawin, x sedar mase berlalu.. ceewaahh... Utk celebrate anniversary kami, we went to Mango Restaurant with Kak Ila (Thai foods), Malaysian Restaurant xde, Thai pun boleh la, jiran Malaysia. huhu.. I didn't snap any pictures there, (rugi2!!). But makanan boleh la tahan, shrimp tom yam with mango salad (org melayu panggil kerabu mangga) and banana fried with honey.. nyam2...
The next day, we went to the mall and Walmart.. saje jalan2 makan angin. dah penat rayau2, berhenti makan jap kat Chinese Restaurant and then sambung balik g wallmart sebab nak beli langsir baru. Rupa-rupanya bukan langsir je yang dibeli, finally we spent almost $250 at Wallmart. huhu.. Plan balik nak naik bas tukar naik teksi. Banyak sangat barang nak bawak. Siap beli toto baru lg. haha.. Makin lena la tidur...
Balik dari bandar, I got a big surprise... Attention guys.. I'm ready now to announced that!

single line: not pregnant
Double: pregnant
Mine was double, so what else to say.. This is our big present for 1st anniversary. So, to make it confirmed we went to Student Health Centre and get another test by doctor. Yeah, that's right, I'm pregnant. Mmg hepi giler and all the doctors and stuff there keep saying congratulation, enjoy your moment and sudahnye x pasal2 satu klinik tu tahu.
Start from there, I'm having a very bad morning sickness, loya n muntah tu jadi perkara biase. I can't eat or smell foods, so I'm just living on fruits for a couple of the weeks. But now, dah ok skit.. Dipermudahkan Allah, my supervisor sgt la baik, xde nak marah coz getting pregnant just after 3 months I cames here. He's very supportive and his routine question now changed from 'how are you' to 'how's your baby?'.. cute eh?
Easter day 09
It was a long holiday for the Easter day. We were planning to have some good activities, hang out with friends but keadaan x mengizinkan bila I muntah2 teruk. So, duduk umah je la. Kesian kat hubby sebenarnya, boring duk umah.. Ape nak wat..
So, here is our activities in the evening..
Gelang kawin
Cincin risik n tunang
Ni Full House versi Melayu.. hehe.. Cik Sabiqah jangan jeles... HAHAHA..Al-maklum lah, dah lame x pakai barang emas, duk kat lab je watpe nak pakai..
Last one, g berkelah kat Lake Ontario pagi td sebab suhu dah tak sejuk.. Mat saleh pun dah ramai bersidai. kalau UMT campus by the sea, Queen's ni campus by the lake. Mcm UMT gak, jalan belakang ni dah dekat sangat ngan Lake. Ingat nak tgk bunga tp malangnya tulipbelum tumbuh. Baru nampak daun. huhu
Bekal muffin n coklat.
Posted by alice in wonderland 12 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Chicken Rice.. Bukan Sekadar Nasi Ayam
Start masak kul 12 lbh, kul 3 baru leh makan. lame giler duk dapur. bukan nye ape sebenarnye.. Byk bergosip. huhu.
dah siap.. dah boleh makan..
Ni dia buktinya.... siap wat bergedil lg. Sedap....
Posted by alice in wonderland 5 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Cite pasal snow skit n ketensionan
not much to say, we're still in winter mood, cume alhamdulillah winter kat cni xla sesejuk di Alberta. Tabik spring la kat Sa, kulit ehem2 rupenye..
Minggu ni weather x menentu, ari isnin n selase aritu sgt la sejuk (-19c bt feels like -25c sbb windy).. dah kire sejuk la kat sini, sampai mase tggu bas meleleh2 air mata. arini sgt la warm suhu x minus, salji dah mencair. tp dlm umah ni lak yg makin sejuk coz bile suhu let say 5c and above, diorg akn slowkan heater kononnye takut kite panas. aiih... esok n smp ujung mggu ni suhu dijangka in range 5c to 11c. suhu tertinggi dicatat sepanjang duk cni. harap2 ramalan ni tepat.
enough with that, nak cite pasal lab lak. agak nye ni la dugaan pertama for my phd study. igtkan dah settle ngn masalah nak sintesis yg sgt rumit tu, rupenye x. huhu.. mggu lepas baru je order my starting material for sonogashira rxn which is C12 alkyne with alcohol-terminated. mase nak search company tu dah la susah,at last ade la 1 company dari US. igtkan leh la start lab dlm mggu ni, then i dpt email dari Chemistry Store pasal mende alah tu. harge die $16000 for 100mL. xkan la Hugh nak belikan. bincang punye bincang hugh suruh sintesis sendiri bende tu. then i terfikir, kalo bende tu sng2 nak sintesis xkan harga dia smp $16000 ek? Or what do u think? Dr Crudden bg idea about the syhthesis, n hugh setuju, so ape nak wat.... the new route for the synthesis skrg dah jd 9 steps instead of 4 or 5 at the beginning.
Hopefully mggu dpn dah leh mulekan lab. Doakan mg dipermudahkan segalanye n tetap hati dlm menempuh dugaan wat phd ni. I'm really not in a good mood now. Nasib baik la ade suami. hahaha.. Ni la rahmat nye.. Thanks hubby and thanks to Allah swt for this very precious 'gift'.
Thats all for now. bye!
Posted by alice in wonderland 4 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Things to do:
1. A new plan for synthesis:
3. Report Mass-Spec:
Due date for this report is Feb 28th tp skrg baru siap 1 muka surat. Xtau la apesal slow sgt.
Problem set is another assignment carried 30% of the total score. It has 9 killer questions and nmpk gayenye baru ade 1 soalan yg leh dijawab. Damn... I really need someone’s help. Sape yg power rangers dlm Mass spec, tlg la hulurkan pertolongan.
5. Present meeting group:
It’s probably on March 23rd. Hugh asked me to give a talk about my research and share with other group members especially about the synthesis. Adei… x nmpk bayang lg nih!
6. Presentation for scientific Communication:
It’s on March 27th, 4 days after meeting group. Campur ni 4 presentation dah within 3 months. Giler btl.. Tu la, dah ni jalan yg dipilih, ikut je la.. (Ayat mek sarah).
7. Submit Seminar Critiques and abstract:
This is for Scientific communication course where we need to give some critiques about the seminar department in terms of their slides, skills and so on. Masalahnye, yg bg presrentation tu sume prof2 yg mmg dah expert. Slide pun cantik2. so the comment is: Very good presentation. Tp xkan same je utk sume??
8. Conference??
There will be a Conference on Surface Chemistry (end of May) and will be held in MCMaster University, Hamilton. Hurrreeeeeyyy.. This is my first conference.
Posted by alice in wonderland 7 comments